Saturday, November 2, 2013

DevExpress GridView - Spell Checker option for uppercase words

Didn't find this anywhere on the net, and it was bothering me for a while. So here it is, folks.

DevExpress's XtraSpellChecker does not underline uppercase words that are misspelled (by default). In order to make it recognize misspelled uppercase words, use the SetSpellCheckerOptions method of the Spell Checker control. To do this in the GridView you would use:

 Dim spellingOptions As OptionsSpelling = New OptionsSpelling()
 spellingOptions.IgnoreUpperCaseWords = DefaultBoolean.False
 spellingOptions.IgnoreMixedCaseWords = DefaultBoolean.False
SpellCheckerCtrl.SetSpellCheckerOptions(gvwSA.ActiveEditor, spellingOptions)